The WEBB Families of Australia

A sailing ship of the 1800's

This site is designed to act as a clearing house for all people researching the family history of the many branches of the Webb Family in Australia and back to England or other countries.

The pages have two purposes, the first is in providing information regarding ancestors already researched and now made available to others in these pages and secondly it provides encouragement for others to research there Webb name.

Email received 15 June 2013
I am the administrator of the Webb Surname DNA Project.

We have over 360 members worldwide and have defined over 30 different Webb DNA lines.

We are always looking for male Webbs to participate in the project and would love to have the Webbs of Australia better represented in the project.

The genealogical male Y-DNA test is simple, easy and all done by mail. If you know of any Webbs who would be interested in our project, please let me know or forward my email address to them.

Our project website is at the following address:

To place an entry in Australian Webb Families Forum pages email Tom Wills .

If you have a Webb Family Tree and would like it published on the internet,
please contact Tom Wills